

It often happens that we see people in gyms practice not only senseless and dangerous exercises at the same time, but they are even performed in absurd numbers of sets, repetitions And especially in the wrong order. In short, the training has no head or heel and then the exerciser does not know if he develops speed, strength, muscle volume (hypertrophy), perseverance, or is it a mix of everything and nothing at the same time. This A short blog can serve as a basic guide on how to easily build a training according to a science-based system where you will know how to what you are currently developing in training and at the same time help you how to avoid injuries and achieve better and faster results.

At the beginning of training after individualized warm-up (which we will discuss in the next blog) should be followed by explosive power development exercises such as plyometric exercises, or exercises to develop a power gradient (power exercises). In In general, the exercises that put the most strain on the neuromuscular system, They will go first in training, because we want to take advantage of the fact that we are still full strength and we are still at the beginning of training. For these exercises, the recommended low number of repetitions (up to 6 op) with maximum intensity and long breaks (2-4 min), due to the importance of complete regeneration of the nervous system system before the next series. These exercises can include the aforementioned plyometric exercises (various types of jumps and bounces with the right technique impact), variations of medicine ball throws, but also, for example, swings with kettlebells or pushing/pulling the sled. It is these exercises that we often see people practicing either at the end of training in huge numbers of repetitions and especially with the wrong Technique. Of course, these exercises can also be included in the last (fitness) block within the framework of endurance, but it is necessary to have a sufficient capacity and technology.

The next block should be exercises to develop maximum or general strength, at 3-5 sets and 6-8 repetitions. We develop muscle strength with heavy weights with an intensity of 80-100% from a one-time maximum. The following applies: the higher the weight or intensity, the less repetitions and a higher number of sets. These include basic bilateral exercises such as deadlifts, squats, bench presses or even pull-ups. It is particularly important to the mentioned intensity, because we do not develop the strength in 6-8 repetitions with a weight with which we can realistically do 10-12 repetitions. The same applies here a longer break for rest (2-4 minutes), because heavy weights also put a strain on the nervous system. system significantly more than the muscular one. If we want to develop maximum strength (5-8 series, 1-3 opposites. 90-100% of the maximum, rest 3-5 min) I would recommend do not waste too much energy on exercises in the first block and take them rather than nerve and muscle activation to energize the body.

The next block in the order is development of hypertrophy. Hypertrophy or hypertrophy. We develop muscle volume in 3-4 sets and about 8-15 reps. This is an example of the exercises we see people do Frequently asked. The development of hypertrophy helps especially in the beginning, when a person needs to build a muscular foundation and capacity for the development of strength Capabilities. As long as you are a regular exerciser, without a plan and a trainer and you go just want to work out in the gym, so this part fills your training most.

The last block is muscle endurance, at 2-3 sets, 15+ reps and minimal rest. All conditioning components should happen at the end of the training unit. Again We have a frequently seen example of people who go for 30-40 minutes before their workout run on the waist and then do complex exercises. Of course, it depends on priorities of a person, but if the individual wants to use his or her power potential in the fitness, cardio and other fitness components of training I would definitely leave to conclusion. However, if you include cardio at the beginning of your workout as part of your warm-up in the range of 5-10 minutes at an intensity of around 60-65% of the maximum heart rate, it is Totally fine. You can include favorites in the fitness component at the end of the workout HIIT-ko, tabata, or intervals on cardio machines.


It’s all about the person’s priorities and their current setting. If muscle hypertrophy is a priority for someone, they will not deal with bounces and jumps, at the same time, if someone is in the endurance phase, then the fitness block will form the main part of their training. In this order, the individual blocks of exercises in a given workout should follow if you want to develop every single trait, but no one tells you to do push-ups and swings with a kettlebell unless you have done them in your life or you do not have enough capacity for it. An ordinary person in the gym can easily put together a workout from strength blocks, hypertrophy and fitness block, and it will be completely enough. It’s a very complex topic that can’t be covered on a one-page blog, but these simple basics can definitely help you get faster results and practice more effectively. However, if you don’t know what to do and have doubts about whether you are doing it right, our qualified trainers will definitely guide you and guide you in the right direction.