

Today we will look at the often underestimated warm-up resp. Warm Up and its individual parts that give us They will help build the foundation for quality training. Maybe after this blog you will find that the warm-up has a much deeper meaning for most people than just shaking your head and shoulders before you dive into the first set of the bench press.

The length of a quality warm-up depends on from several factors. For example, warming up before a normal fitness workout with free weights or on pulleys will certainly be different from warming up before training including sprints, plyometrics (bounces and jumps) or maximum power. In the first 5-10 minutes would be enough to warm up, in the second case it could be Be calm for 10-15 minutes, especially for consistent and gradual preparation of the body for maximum performance right after the warm-up. Despite general recommendations, it is warm-up is always highly individual and not everyone will benefit from of all its blocks.

An essential element in the For warming up, I have a foam roller. This simple The device can help relieve muscle spasms and also moisturizes and blood circulation in the muscles and muscle fascia. It also helps in mobilizing thoracic spine and hips. If we feel (un)pleasant pain while rolling, it is high probability that the muscle is stiff for some reason, whether because he is overloaded with exercise or because of poor posture or because he is extremely relaxed (stretched) and the body keeps it in optimal condition. length by developing a spasm, which is also manifested by the stiffening of the Muscle. All these reasons must be distinguished, and therefore reckless scrolling from morning to evening, because you have stiff e.g. the posterior thigh muscles (which he has the vast majority of the population is sufficiently stretched anyway) more harm than good. In general, we would like to refer to this part of the They should devote at least 3-5 minutes to warm-ups, depending on the person and their individual needs.

The next part of the warm-up should be wash at least 1-3 exercises to activate the so-called CORE – buttocks, abdominal muscles muscles and shoulder stabilizers. These exercises will create a solid foundation before training, they “center” the body and set it to the most ideal or. “neutral” position. These are mostly exercises on the ground, involving the right breathing, and movement of individual limbs with a focus on stabilizing the trunk. If we are strong enough in these exercises, we can move on to more difficult ones positions on all fours, kneeling on one knee or standing. Between the couple Basic exercises from this category include: deadbug, birddog, side plank, shoulder taps, and their various variations.

Activation should be followed by a few exercises as part of dynamic stretching. Ideally to practice those parts And especially the movements that we will do in training. For example, if we know that we start the training with a series of squats, so we prepare ourselves with movements that include especially the knee joint (squats with your own weight, lunges, etc.) but also the hip joint and the ankle joint. More movement-specific exercises should form the basis warm-ups, but general exercises should also be added. Subsequently, the trainee is ready to start training with a properly built foundation and with the certainty that it minimizes risk of injury during training.

If it were An athlete who starts training with much more demanding exercises, respectively. movements (the aforementioned sprints, bounces, or exercises to build strength gradient), the warm-up would continue with the preparation of the given movements (movement prep) by including various marches or minions in a given direction and activating the nervous system, which energizes the body to maximum performance. Whole The warm-up should gradually build, but it should not tire the athlete/exerciser before the training. That’s why it’s important to keep track of time. If We warm up for 20+ minutes, we gradually tire the body and we do not give the maximum training performance.

These basics are general, but The most important word in the warm-up should be the exact opposite, individually. Every person is different and not everyone needs the given parts of the warm-up. Someone who is already an experienced exerciser and has no health problems and is especially aware of what his body can do, a foam roller will suffice, activation and a couple of warm-up sets and can start training. However There are really few of these people. On the other hand, we have people who need to digest time corrective exercises and adjusting the body to the correct position a little longer. From my own point of view, I can say that the client does not always enjoy it, But in the long run, even such “unfunny” ones are simply necessary parts of the training respectively. warm-ups. The warm-up should definitely not be underestimated, because as it can prepare us for training physically (by improving proprioception) and warming up the entire musculoskeletal system), so it can also prepare us mentally and set the right “mindset” for training.