Why stretching/stretching muscles is not always the right choice.
As trainers , we often meet various types of clients who suffer from health problems, whether it is knees, spine or shoulders. The first thing that comes to mind for these pains is stretching or stretching. another form of stretching, such as yoga. It is a fairly popular method among regular exercisers who want to […]
Today we will look at the often underestimated warm-up resp. Warm Up and its individual parts that give us They will help build the foundation for quality training. Maybe after this blog you will find that the warm-up has a much deeper meaning for most people than just shaking your head and shoulders before you […]
It often happens that we see people in gyms practice not only senseless and dangerous exercises at the same time, but they are even performed in absurd numbers of sets, repetitions And especially in the wrong order. In short, the training has no head or heel and then the exerciser does not know if he […]
KidsCamp 2024
A day camp for small, big athletes. And here it is, finally the holidays! So come and relax with us, have fun, meet new friends, learn new sports and movements, and spend full time in the fresh air. We have a lot of experience with summer camps – this is already our 11th. vintage. The […]
Why are we asymmetrical?
Every single person is naturally asymmetrical. This means that if someone were to cut us from top to bottom, we would find that none of us has two identical-looking, equally heavy and equally strong halves of the body. We can feel this asymmetry in everyday life, but also during training. When practicing a complex exercise, […]
Once a lie-sitting resp. “Sit-ups” were among the main exercises to strengthen the core of the body and get the dream bricks. Recently, however, they have been demonized from all sides, whether by physiotherapists or professional trainers. But are they really as bad as they are said to be? So, let’s clear up some facts […]
In the last part, we looked at how to regulate excess food intake during the holidays, at least by eye. There is no need to make a science out of it and be able to indulge, but on the other hand, we need to know what we can afford and where there is a certain […]
Slowly but surely, Christmas is approaching, which is a holiday of peace and especially food. This is also associated with the annual stress of people not to gain weight. During these holidays, there is really a lot of food (and alcohol), so let’s take a look at how to indulge in peace and quiet and […]
The bench press is a basic exercise to strengthen the horizontal pressure force of our body. Today we will discuss this classic exercise, look at the mechanics of movement, common mistakes and finally recommend tips and advice for better and more effective performance of this exercise. The bench press mainly engages the large pectoral muscle, […]
Another basic movement of our body is the vertical pull, where this movement is best represented by the (un)popular: pull-up on the pull-up bar. This exercise engages the muscles of almost the entire upper body: the large broad muscle of the back, shoulders, interscapular muscles, muscles of the arms and forearms, and even the abdomen. […]